Cart track yesterday was great (for the most part). Doogie went down in the final corner with mere laps to go. He was on or near the front most of the C race. His company in the scruff helped kill the Seven! He donated some skin as well, but he is ok. Perhaps we should start a running division…
Bryan won the B race with a searing attack on the group! Elliot had been out solo and held on for 4th or 5th.
Dave Swanson beat us like rented mules (thanks Vic for the line) in the A race. There were only seven riders, four of which were Aggress. I was having a sandwich-enduced side ache and couldn’t sustain an attack with Y half way thorough the 45 min. race; however, I hid out long enough to attack the group with 3/4 of a lap to go and took 2nd and a prime. Elijet was breathing down my neck at the finish. Y took the ‘field sprint’ giving Aggress 2nd – 4th. Leo did some serious work on the front before retreating to the sweeper spot.
Rick also had a strong showing mixing it up with the youngster crowd. He seemed to be the only 60+ rider out there and he had a very strong ride.
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iMike Puchowicz took on the solo category. Beto Villegas gave it up for him doing amazing support: We await the full details, but here is the preliminary report:
9th out of 96
Everything hurts. Beto is the best pit support person ever, and I got a glimpse of what it’s going to be when I’m 90 and my wife has to dress me because I can’t do it myself anymore.
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VOS was great. Brian was tremendous in his support. In the 60+, Rick finished 5th GC! In the 5’s, Doogie finished 10th overall! I finished 24th and Y in 28th in the 3’s. It was an excellent weekend and a great time dusting off the racing shoes.
Vic won the 2’s RR! He smoked the boys in a straight up sprint. Vic also took a huge dig in the 2’s and spent 1 1/2 lap off the front in the crit. It was an all-in move. It didn’t work, but damn it was cool to watch. He finished in 14th.
Warming up for the Crit. It turns out nobody brought a camera.
How the RR evolved for the Masters 50/60 +. From Rick Ellwanger:
The RR was my best event. Shortly after the rollout I moved to the front of the 50/60 combined peloton so I could enjoy a clean path around the first corner and be a little ahead of the inevitable acceleration that I was sure would follow. It did, of course, and I slipped back to 10-12th and I felt pretty comfortable there. About a mile after the turn we passed the Cat 5b group; How could that be?? (50 wheel sucking pussies all afraid to take a pull, that’s how!). The first trip up the hill to the S/F line was uneventful although about 1/3 of the way up Franz Hammer went by me on the shoulder and I tucked in behind him back up to the front. I think he just wanted to see who was on the front because he just sat a little behind and to the side of the leader as the hill got steeper. Eventually I started losing it a bit and slipping back; by the top I was 3/4 of the way to the back of the peloton, but I rested on the downhill back to hwy 187. Lap 2 was mundane until about 2/3 of the way up the hill climb at which point several riders broke off the front to vie for the KOM points and prem. (to be recaptured on the downhill). As the main peloton approached the summit we overtook several riders from the Cat 5a group and there was a crash about 3/4 of the way back in the peloton, just in front of me, involving 5-6 riders and about a dozen of us ended up with a 100 yd gap to the rest of the peloton as a result of slowing to avoid the wrecked riders. We started working together to recapture and actually were able to close the gap a bit by the turn back onto 187. At the turn I took the lead because I knew I could take the turn full speed with pedaling and most of the group stayed with me thru the turn. The main peloton had slowed a lot to go around that corner and we gained on them significantly right there. The last 30 yds was quickly closed and we were back in the peloton; Whew! Halfway up the final hill climb to the S/F line the peloton splintered as the pace increased noticeably and the landscape got a little confusing as we overtook some additional riders from the 5a group, and my fleeting thought of moving to the front of the pack for the final sprint evaporated. I resolved to hang with my splinter group, and was able to do so, across the line. All in all, a good effort, and a great learning experience.
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Report from Rick: Did the McDowell Circuit race today (30 min around a 1.6 mile loop with 2 turns); gorgeous venue, mostly sunny (pic attached). This race had a 60+ group and we started about a minute behind the 50+ group. The race was mundanely civilized; I and an AZ Masters rider (Robert Tomkins) did all the pulling between us and about half way thru we bumped the pace up and dropped half our group. Norm Kibble hung on with us. On the last lap I dropped into 3rd deliberately until the final 300m or so at which point Tomkins commenced his sprint. At 250mKibble started to lose the leader’s wheel so I made a move to the outside, passed Kibble and continued to close on Tomkins, albeit slowly. In the end, he beat me by about a bike length. Nevertheless, I felt like I managed the race pretty well, finished 2nd, and got a bit of cash
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Good start to the season eating some cakes.
Cat 3
1st – tie Kurt Garbe 0:29:30 25.28 mph
4th Bryan Schlegel 0:30:17 24.62 mph
Cat 5 2nd Scott Douglas 0:32:19 23.07 mph

Merckx 5th Jim Averill 0:32:37 22.86 mh
6th Bryan Schlegel 0:33:03 22.56 mph in round two!! He just change the jersey and machine and off he went again.

6th Richard Ellwanger 0:34:02 21.91 mph
Cat 1/2 honorary mention
3rd and 3rd overall – Victor Riquelme 0:28:05 26.55
Complete results
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Bryan wrote: Great efforts on the day from all involved. Also, big cheer for Paula & Beto for coming up from Sierra Vista. Paula and Doogie both jumped in and raced the Master Mens 30+ (VERY fast group comprised of a lot of CAT1/2s). Leo did the shootout as a warmup for the Cat 3s and Neil rolled over from studying at the library. Way to go!
18th Richard Ellwanger Master 50+
12th Scott Douglas Cat 5
18th Bryan Schlegel Master 30+
DNF Scott Douglas Master 30+
DNF Paula Bohte Master 30+
4th Bryan Schlegel Cat 3 Vic’s video of the 3/4 race
12th Neil Becwar Cat 3
16th Leo Masursky Cat 3
6th Paula Bohte Pro Cat 1-2-3 F
14th Victor Riquelme Pro Cat 1-2 M
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