Trails : Team Aggress!


Mountain Biking In Tucson Arizona

MTB group rides are anounced on our list-serve.

Email us for more info:

Brian Ten Eyck – tenike42(at)cox(dot)net


Cherba is a local resource in guide format that does a good job of covering most trails in Tucson even if some of the pictures look a bit old school.

In the works is our own blog based tour of the trails;

50 Year Trail at Golder Ranch

Bug Spring Trail

La Milagrosa

Prison Camp
For some trails with ratings and reviews you can check out Mountain Bike Review and Dirt World or this Wiki . These sites are a good resource but take any reviews or comments with a grain of salt. Better yet go out there on your bike and see them for yourself.

  • Mission

    Aggress is a Tucson-based statewide / regional cycling team formed in January, 2004.
    As a developmental team for both road and mountain bike racing, Aggress continues to actively – yet carefully – recruit according to a philosophy that emphasizes teamwork in both training and racing tactics.
    Our focus is to race as a team, utilizing team tactics to get our man the win. We ride in support of our designated racer, with each member in turn supported in the key event(s) of his choosing.
    We are aggressive when we race, but we behave in a courteous and sportsmanlike manner at all times. We also have team training rides that we utilize throughout the season.
