Flapjack TT 20K
Good start to the season eating some cakes.
Cat 3
1st – tie Kurt Garbe 0:29:30 25.28 mph
4th Bryan Schlegel 0:30:17 24.62 mph
Cat 5 2nd Scott Douglas 0:32:19 23.07 mph
Merckx 5th Jim Averill 0:32:37 22.86 mh
6th Bryan Schlegel 0:33:03 22.56 mph in round two!! He just change the jersey and machine and off he went again.
6th Richard Ellwanger 0:34:02 21.91 mph
Cat 1/2 honorary mention
3rd and 3rd overall – Victor Riquelme 0:28:05 26.55