R.I.P. Rick Ellwanger! : Team Aggress!

R.I.P. Rick Ellwanger!

Ellwanger, Richard E., 73, died Oct. 11, 2018 after being struck by a drunk driver while riding his bike on “A” Mountain in Tucson. He was born Dec. 4, 1944, and is survived by his wife of 47 years, Judi, his sister, Sheryl Morgan and mother, Penny Laetch. An avid road and mountain biker, Rick was a state and national champion and a member of Team Aggress in Tucson. Rick will be deeply missed by family and friends in the cycling community, and by all those whose lives he touched. Rick loved cycling, he loved racing and was always ‘there’ for teammates and friends. A teammate said “I had always envisioned that Rick would be a victim of spontaneous human combustion in his early 100s, at the top of Alp d’Huez in France, after dropping a pack of 20 young men trying their hardest to keep up.” In his honor, a Ghost Bike memorial is planned for “A” mountain. He earned his Master’s Degree in Metallurgy at Colorado School of Mines, going on to the University of Wyoming, and a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry. He worked for many years in the mining industry and later at Sigma Technologies, Tucson, as a research scientist in plasma and nanotechnology. A gathering is planned for early December to celebrate his life. For those who wish to donate in his name, please contact El Grupo Cycling Club at www.elgrupocycling.org Rick had in full measure what the French say so beautifully – Joie De Vivre – the joy of life. Godspeed, my love. – Judi Ellwanger

Rick Ellwanger 1st Place!


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  • Mission

    Aggress is a Tucson-based statewide / regional cycling team formed in January, 2004.
    As a developmental team for both road and mountain bike racing, Aggress continues to actively – yet carefully – recruit according to a philosophy that emphasizes teamwork in both training and racing tactics.
    Our focus is to race as a team, utilizing team tactics to get our man the win. We ride in support of our designated racer, with each member in turn supported in the key event(s) of his choosing.
    We are aggressive when we race, but we behave in a courteous and sportsmanlike manner at all times. We also have team training rides that we utilize throughout the season.
