End of year gathering
Several members of Aggress gathered at Kurt’s place for few end of season pictures and story telling.
It was hard to get a team picture with everyone holding a composed stare, so this is the best I could do, sorry Leo. 😀
- Team Aggress!
Aggress won the 2012 State Team TT for Mens 40+
It wouldn’t be right if they didn’t display their state champ kits!
And of course through out the seasons others won championships as well:
Flapjack Time Trial
# | Last Name | First Name | Team | Age | Category | Time | Speed | Place |
31 | GARBE | Kurt | Aggress | 43 | Men Cat.3 | 44:41 | 25:03 | 9 |
332 | MASURSKEY | Leo | Aggress | Men Cat.3 | 49:44 | 22:49 | 16 | |
323 | ELLWANGER | Richard | Aggress | 68 | Men Master 65+ | 50:14 | 22:27 | 4 |
328 | HORN | Richard | Aggress | 43 | Men Merckxs Open | 48:54 | 22.87 | 1 |
291 | PERRY | Liz | Aggress | 57 | Women Master 55+ | 57:21 | 19:50 | 2 |
Scottsdale Cycling Festival
Did the Scottsdale Cycling Festival this weekend; an upscale venue with lots of exhibitors, good food, hotties, etc.– 10-4 Rick E.
The UCF sanctioned Criterium was held Saturday at the cutesy shops area at DC Ranch; a 1 km circuit with 7 turns including a 180 at the top of the hill. As usual, 50/60+ rode together and most of the usual characters were there.. I implanted myself toward the rear of the peloton and tried to stay on Bob Pongratz’s wheel as much as possible. Attrition gradually reduced the size of the pack from around 18 to 10-12 by 4 laps to go, and I was the only 60+ guy still in the pack. At 3 laps to go Bob Pongratz and Steve Cullinan made their move to the front. In perfect Pavlovian response, I almost went with them, but then some late season wisdom enveloped me in its warm embrace and I realized that my race was already won as long as I didn’t crash and that I would certainly not be able to complete the remaining 3 hill2/3 climbs on the backside of the circuit at the now faster pace, so I just hung there at the back of the pack and cruised over the finish line with a big smile while Cullinan and Pongratz established a modest gap from the rest of us and sprinted it out for the 50+ win. Got no cash, but did get a fancy medal (Hmmmmm), a decent gift card for Landis Cyclery, and a pretty nifty front/rear LED bicycle lighting system.
Sunday was the 70 mile Tour de Scottsdale fun ride. No platinum passes for this ride. David Benjes simply set up self-designated start chutes based on your own estimated ride time supplied at registration. It actually worked out reasonably well. A critical feature that made it work was the rolling start. Speed was held at about 15-20 mph for the first mile and a half by a motorcycle cop at the front of the peloton. It helped avoid the insanity you frequently see right off the start line in El Tour. The first 10 miles was uphill to Cave Creek and the peloton I did most of the ride with actually formed up and got organized fairly quickly. We could see the lead peloton with a few dozen or so riders which had now formed up in front of us and we were steadily rolling by all the bs-ers who had lined up ahead of us in the sub 3 hr start chute. Most fell behind us… What were they thinking?…. a few were able to hang on. A gentle climb from Cave Creek East to Pima Rd followed and we continued to roll by detritus from the lead peloton. Pima Rd was a downhill rip to Dynamite Rd and nothing much happened. By now the lead peloton was established and rolling and gradually pulling away from us. Dynamite Rd was several miles of climbing followed by several miles of descending. I felt pretty good at this point and did my last significant pull approaching the Dynamite Rd summit. We did acquire 3 more pieces of detritus from the lead peloton during the climb. Our peloton numbered 70-80 at this point. A right turn at Tonto Verde and then miles of slightly downhill gentle rollers into Fountain Hills. Since I knew the route was going to go right by my Sister’s bar/restaurant in Fountain Hills I mad sure I was in the #1 position at the front of the peloton going by her place. And yes! There was my family lined up in front of the bar watching me cruise by at about 30 mph (slightly downhill right there) in all my glory at the head of a mass of cycling humanity. Does it get any better? As soon as we were out of sight I slunk back to the middle of the peloton and re-buried myself. From Fountain Hills we turned West on Shea Blvd and commenced a major hill climb up Shea. My little glory stunt now came back home and I started slipping back as the peloton fractured going up the hill. By the summit the peloton pieces were spread out over half a mile and I was about 2/3 of the way back in a group of 4. However 2 monster Carlos Obrien riders summited 100m behind us so we just patiently coasted until they arrived and tucked in behind them gradually accelerating to 43 mph going down Shea back into Scottsdale. Ahhhhh! The physics of downhill mass! By the turn North at 136th St we had re-acquired another dozen or so riders from the fractured peloton and numbered close to 20. The remaining miles back to DC Ranch were mostly flat and mundane and nothing much happened. Toward the end we actually got a little “chatty” and the temperature escalation was starting to become an issue. The girls with ice-water trays immediately after crossing the finish line were a nice touch and much appreciated.
Flagstaff Omnium
Rick took the overall for his Category at the Omnium! Congrats! Next round of beers at the Barrio is on him.
Report by Eljet
It was intense and great this weekend; Cat1-3 together for all 3 stages – the Snowbowl Hill climb was 6 miles up like Lemmon (got about 21st of 28 cat 3’s), the 1.8 mile loop circuit race (15 laps) that same Sat. evening was flat and fast as hell with multiple attacks from the cat 1’s against each other (which I amazingly was able to hang with till the end). One of those was a counter attack from Justin for Vic that stayed away. Two Bike Haus riders joined Justin, then another no-name and the four kept it away and J-bird won for Tri-sports! In this circuit race the pace was quick and it was windy and multiple cat 3’s couldn’t cut it (I finished at the back of the peleton lead group, but didn’t know how many 3’s were there.) The RR was a fast initial descent, a couple power hills before the turn around that nearly left me solo for the last 37 miles, but I stayed with the group till the incline started to increase about 15 miles from the finish. The real climbing started 12 miles from the end, which was when my body decided it was totally wasted and I crawled to the end in a very jello-like fashion, but still finished and got the desired 15 points given for just finishing all 3 stages.
It was great to see Jim and Leo and Rick out there, Leo in the 3’s had a tough time, and some fitting issues for stage one hill climb, but did great stage 2 out sprinting me and hung in tough for the RR. It was also pretty exciting to watch Jim the beast in the circuit race in 4’s going crazy off the front in lap 9 of 10 pulling those mothers back.
Report by Rick E.
We enjoyed a great race weekend in the cool piney woods of the Flagstaff region. All in all pretty good weather; 30s-40s in the mornings, 60s by midday.
There were 3 races in an Omnium format: (1) the Snowbowl Hill Climb, (2) Foxboro Circuit Race, and (3) Wupatki Road Race
There were four guys in my age class including Herb Johnson, who came over from San Diego to spoil my sweep of the event by abusing me in the hillclimb; Oh well! In the circuit race Saturday afternoon I got dropped from the combined Masters peloton at the end of lap1 when GST went off the front and the peloton tried for awhile to hang with them and eventually failed. However, the pace was fast enough that I couldn’t hang but fortunately my competitors fell off sooner and I was able to hide for awhile behind a couple of the other riders that got dropped about when I did. Eventually I got lapped by 2 pairs of GST riders who would be the first 4 riders over the finish line. The Wupatki road race on Sunday was a GREAT RR; I loved it. I felt good and was able to hang with the combined Masters peloton all the way out and most of the way back up the hill to Sunset crater. The peloton did sort of fracture into pieces at that point but I was able to hang with my small group to the finish. I would rate this as one of my better efforts to date; I was literally miles ahead of my competitors at the finish.
My final tally for this event was 3 firsts and 1 second.
Sonoita-Patagonia Time Trial
Sonoita-Patagonia Time Trial by Fast Bryan once again:
State RR Championship
Aggress had a strong team at the State RR. Elijet, Beto, Leo, Kurt and Mike in the Cat 3 race, Jim in Cat 4, as well as Doug in 60+ and Rick in 65+.
In the Cat 3 race, Kurt was the only one to make it over the first series of hills before getting shelled on the final hill. He would mop up 7 riders on the way to the finish outsprinting all but one to finish a disappointing 12th. The rest of the crew did a team ride and came in after a good training session.
Jim would do too much work on the way out and did not survive the hill storm at the end finishing 24th with the main group.
Rick had the strongest Aggress showing finishing 3rd and Doug came through solo in 9th.
Vuelta de Enology
Doug Perry and I, on behalf of Aggress, endured two days of intense enologic cycling training this past Friday and Saturday. Spousal accompaniment was deemed prudent in the event we buried ourselves in our work with too much intensity. Our training intervals varied in intensity from 6-9 one oz tastes per cycling dismount. Remount and continuation become more problematic as the event progressed and was exacerbated by the absence of a Team support vehicle. Nevertheless, we dug deep and found within ourselves the will to carry on, in due course completing Stage 1. We refueled and carbed up at Viaggios, got a good nights rest (mostly), and arose ready and eager for Stage 2. At our low point during Stage 2 we needed some inspiration to carry on and thus availed ourselves of the opportunity to commune with Jimi (No, NOT Riccitello, Hendrix). We finished strongly and readily credit Aggress training for the iron discipline necessary to finish at all. Less prepared riders could literally have been dropped.
Rick E.
New Aggress Members
Drilling for new recruits: iBrian and Christine, Daddy E and the Berbinator all give it up to swell the team membership. Keep ‘em coming!
2010 Crit Series
The 2010 Crit Series was put on by Team Tolero. Results and Pics.
Highlights: Week 1 A Event: Kurt Garbe 2nd, Elliot Anderson 3rd and Bryan Schlegel 4th and Rick in 11th.
B Event Bryan 1st!, Elliot 5th – last flight of Doogie’s Seven!
Week 6: 40 + Kurt Garbe 1st
Tucson Bike Classic
Report by Kurt Garbe: A full Aggress team turned out for the TBC. Rick had a brilliant weekend and take 2nd overall in the 65+ category. Jim was solo too in Cat 5b race; he took 5th overall with a very solid showing. I had a very lucky ride and finished 11 seconds out of first in 7th place in the Cat 3 TT. The team worked brilliantly for me and I fought for a very dangerous 8th in the RR and 3rd in the circuit. I finished tied for 5th in time overall, but got 6th as the 5th place finisher had a better time in the TT. Neil had a very solid ride finished right behind me in 7th in GC, with Brent slotting in at 12th, 24 seconds back. Leo was 1:13 down in GC and worked hard to help advance me. Jeremy and Bryan both worked hard for the team; Y is off the health mark, but did what he could to advance the team. Thanks to Elliot for the effort, but he would tear off another deraileur and not start the road race.
Thanks to Brian, Doogie and The General for support. You guys are awesome! TBC RESULTS
Vic took an impressive win in the Cat 2 road race and made it intoVelonews! He was one second out of 1st!